
Day 7: I love you for LIFE

Today was Jimmy and Katia’s wedding. We were thrilled that it didn’t start till around 11, so we had time to sleep in until 7am and then enjoy our breakfast. In Haiti weddings are not very common because most people can’t afford them so when there is a wedding people get very dressed up! Up until today we hadn’t really put makeup on or done our hair so it was strange but fun to get all dressed up today. We squeezed everyone in the van and headed to the wedding site.
The wedding was at a hotel and it had a beautiful outdoor patio like stage with tables surrounding it for the reception. The ceremony was held a few steps away at the chapel and it was such a special ceremony. Three of the children were included in the wedding procession, a flower girl and mini bride(Nu-Nu) and groom (Hey you-nicknamed for always calling everyone hey you), they were SO cute!! Katia looked beautiful as she walked down the aisle; she had a fun gown with a long beautiful train and lacy gloves. She had a sparkle in her eye as she approached her groom and you could tell she had waited a long time for this moment. Pastor Pierre assisted another pastor and we were all thrilled when Jimmy walked up on the stage and asked Pierre to translate in English so we could all understand. The Pastor spoke about the 5 love languages: physical touch, acts of service, words of affirmation, gifts, quality time- and how it is so important to have them in your marriage. Several songs were sung, mostly hymns in French, a few solos from friends and Ridje (Katia’s son) and Alli (Jimmy’s son) sang a song/rap together.
After the ceremony we all headed over to the reception. Mike gave a speech: He reflected on the past two years and the change that he has seen in Jimmy . He told him that he was proud to call him his son. He wanted to let everyone know that Jimmy was a true living example of someone who was first changed by God and is now changing the lives of many. His love for Katia and the 68 chlldren at Zanfan Lakay is a blessing to all who know and are friends of Jimmy’s. Our team was honored to be part of this special day.
Alli, Jimmy’s son, asked Doug to play a couple songs with him- so in true Dougie style, he gave him a riff on the guitar and Alli rapped about his dad and giving thanks to God for everything in his life. Then they sang “I Can Only Imagine” together and even some of the wedding attendants sang along. It was a significant moment for Doug and Alli in honor of Jimmy and Katia.
We had planned on going to see the new property for the future site of the boys’ compound, however a storm hit just as the reception finished. Because of the crazy downpour of rain, we headed back to the hotel.
Our team took some time to rest, pack and then we all met up for dinner. We had our favorite club sandwich for the last time. Around 6:30pm we headed back to the boys home to hang out with them for a few hours.
It was still raining when we arrived so most of the kids were inside hanging out. However once the van pulled up, they came rushing out to open the door and greet us.
We all just chilled together, some of the boys were reading to us, we played cards, many of the boys played on some of our electronic devices (Angry Birds and Pinball were the popular choices!) and just enjoyed some of the last time we would have together. Doug even got to put a few of the very young ones to bed- Gerwinski , Peter and Stacey.
Tomorrow is going to be hard to say goodbye. Doug is already fighting back the tears as the kids continued to ask him and the others when we would be coming back. I was able to tell them tomorrow… but after tomorrow only God knows the plans He has for each of our team members.

Tomorrow is church with Pastor Pierre. They have asked Doug to sing a couple songs… Today is the Day and Chante, Chante, Chante. We have to be up before 6 am and on the road by 6:40.
Doug and I have been reflecting and praying quite a bit how we might continue to stay invested in the lives of these kids here in Haiti. We know that this was God’s perfect timing to have us come to Haiti and invest hardcore in these special kids. We will be back and we are forever changed from this real experience of loving the unloved.


Day 6: Hangin with the Boys

I know you were all waiting on PINS and needles…we found our camera in the van!! Thank you Lord! I KNEW I didn’t lose it. :0)

Today was the last day of VBS. As soon as we got to the church they told us that there was going to be a wedding taking place at 11:00 and we had to finish an hour early!! (Not to mention it look like we maxed out the occupancy of the church- at least an extra 75 -100 more kids) Yikes! We had a jam packed day, learning the last Bible point…God Wants you to Finish Strong!! The verse was out of 2 Timothy 4:7-8 “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day.” Today was the day we did the backpacks for the craft. As you saw in my earlier post our church worked on the backpacks for a LONG time and MANY people helped us color one side of over 600 back packs!! We told the kids that when they use the backpack they should remember that there are Christians all around the world working together to finish strong!! The kids loved the back packs and as soon as craft was over they put it on. Even though we were rushed near the end we had another opportunity for kids to come up to the stage who had accepted Jesus into their heart. We had 25 kids come forward today!!

It is customary to serve a traditional Haitian meal on the last day of VBS so the ladies started cooking at 6am so they could have it ready in time. We served rice and beans, chicken (which Christian picked off the bone sometimes using his teeth…eeek), a beef/veggie sauce and salad (a piece of lettuce and a tomato). And guess what??? SURPRISE we ran out of food before we had served everyone. By this time we were pros at running out…we didn’t panic and waited patiently till the next batch arrived. For some reason today was more hectic then the others. So many of the leaders from VBS stormed up wanting to take food for their groups, it was a mess. The interpreters and people helping us were yelling and trying to get people to move back…so finally we were able to get things under control… It was so hot and the food assembly kind of made me lose my appetite, so I enjoyed the beef jerky I packed for my lunch.
The wedding was getting ready to start so we wisked the boys of Zanfan out to the street to get in the vans to go back to their house. Doug, Jessie and I had not yet driven in one of the tap-taps so we decided to ride with some of the boys. Our security guy Michele rode with us to ensure we would be safe. For those of you that don’t know a tap-tap is a truck that has a camper shell on the top, with metal grids below it holding it up, there is enough room for you to sit underneath it. It is the taxi of Haiti and quite fun and exhilarating to ride in, besides the metal grid/bars that you hit your back on as you bump along the road. We all arrived safely at Zanfan after a thrilling ride through the city.
Mike, Doug, Christian, Lloyd, Bob and Jimmy headed out to the cemetery to take the street girls back (they had been at Zanfan working on bracelets again) and to also visit where they live. Doug shared with me that they were shown around the cemetery seeing where the girls sleep and bathe. He told me what a horrible environment the girls are in and what their living conditions are like. These girls are rough and hard….with good reason, they have had to protect themselves because they have no one to care for them or look out for them. Jimmy, the director of the boys home, Zanfan is the one who introduced Mike and Carrie to the street girls. Jimmy does help them and occasionally brings them food as well.

While the boys on our team were at the cemetery the rest of the team hung out at Zanfan. I had a great time teaching the boys how to make bracelets. They all would point to the ones I was wearing and then point to themselves. It was so cute to see them asking me to show them how to make them. There were about 8 boys all at once making friendship bracelets together. Most of them don’t speak much English, but they do know some words and they like to try and teach you words in Creole. My pronunciation is terrible as well as my memory and the boys would crack up as I would try to repeat words and sounds after them. Many of them are learning English in school so they pick up words and phrases fast.

Tomorrow Jimmy and Katia are getting married, but not all of the boys will be attending the wedding so we had a celebration at the boys’ home tonight. Mike and the guys picked up PIZZA and CAKE on the way home from the cemetery. We were all SO SO SO excited to eat pizza and it totally hit the spot since many of us didn’t eat lunch. We had a BIG party with Jimmy, Katia and the kids. All the boys know us now and want so much to hang out with us, to talk with us, hold hands, laugh, play games and just spend time with us. So many of them love my long hair and want to touch it and braid it. I’m sure because their hair is so different. We had a major dance party on the front patio with everyone. Jimmy pumped up the music and we must have had over 40 kids moving and grooving to the music. The weather cooled down and a thunderstorm started, with the most refreshing rain!! What a special night we had all celebrating Katia and Jimmy!!

We returned home later than usual, but it was probably one of the most fun nights so far. No meeting tonight for our team, everyone is relaxing. We are having trouble with the internet…possibly from the storm so I will post pictures tomorrow.

Please pray for Jimmy and Katia’s wedding tomorrow that everything will go smoothly.


Day 5: Uh Oh Spagetti O

Today was the 2nd day of VBS. Many of us listened to worship music on the van ride over to the church. We felt like we were watching a music video as we listened to the powerful words and saw the disparity and poverty stricken people of Haiti. We arrived and the kids were so excited to get started!! Today the kids learned that God’s Plan is Right. The verse was Ephesians 2:8-9 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-not by works, so that no one can boast. For our craft we had black crosses that signified sin and the kids scratched the black off to reveal bright rainbow colors, showing God washing away our sin and his light shining through us. We also made glow necklaces, showing the kids that if we fill ourselves up with God’s light, that light will shine even in the darkest times. After the invitation to accept Christ was given 65 kids came up to the stage and committed their lives to Christ!!!! Just that alone made our whole trip and all our efforts worth it. We served spaghetti for lunch today, and all was going well until the second batch of food was delayed…we had to wait for it to arrive. Thank goodness for Monica and her endless energy! She sang with the remaining group for over an hour as they waited patiently for the food to arrive and for us to serve them. Doug had a run in with a few boys who weren’t even involved with VBS and they were stealing food and shoving it in their backpacks.

After we finished VBS and cleaned up we were on our way to the orphanage, Maison for Day 2 of our mini VBS with the kids. The kids were in RARE form today and were crazy!!! We sang a few songs, had a craft played a fun game, and shared a bible message with them. The kids decorated noise makers that were so cute…too bad we didn’t think about doing the craft LAST…all the kids were drumming on their noise makers during the story and we had to take them away from them.

While we were finishing up VBS we were told that Jimmy (the director of the boys home) and a few of our team was going to pass out the left over spaghetti from our VBS. Doug, Monica, Jessie and I all decided to go with Mike and Carrie and some of the Zanfan boys. Mike drove us from the orphanage to Zakat, and I must say I was super impressed with his Haitian driving skills! I told Jimmy that a lot of it must have to do with the fact that he has had to drive in California…which is also pretty crazy.  We were at the same spot as we were on Monday when we passed out food, but this time because it wasn’t planned we didn’t have as many people. We had a lot more kids this time though. It broke my heart to see the little ones half dressed with holes in their clothes, some without pants or shoes. How can this be that a small child lives on the street? We had no problem handing out all the food, and before we knew it we were scraping the bottom of the pan to get the last bits to those still hungry. I loaded up on the bug spray and I am happy to report that this time I didn't get ANY bug bites!! I figure I've had my share...they are all scabbed up and I look like I have leprosy or something. Bleh!

We returned to the boys home, to drop off Jimmy and the boys. Earlier on in the day our Texas team had spent time with the street girls. The Texas team brought along supplies for the girls to make special bracelets so that they can make some money. This is an outreach that is in the very beginning stages. Before now teams have visited the street girls where most of them sleep, in the cemetery and bring them food. It is so exciting to think of how God is moving in this project. He has risen people up to have a desire to minister to these hurting girls and share the hope of Christ. I am hoping to get connected with this group as I would like to be a part of this ministry in the future. These girls are exposed to so many horrific things on a daily basis…things we can’t even imagine. They are in desperate need of HOPE…the hope that only God can offer. Please pray that all the pieces will continue to fall into place and that the funding and resources will come together in God’s timing.

After we left the boys home we returned to our hotel. Doug and I took our nightly swim in the pool to cool off. Before we headed to dinner I realized I couldn’t find the camera!!!! We ransacked our room with no luck. I had it when we left the boys home so I think it may have dropped in the van. Please pray that we find it tomorrow…all the fun memories we captured today would be lost if we can’t find it. Not to mention we wouldn’t have a way to take pictures for the rest of the trip. We enjoyed a delicious sandwich for dinner with fried egg, ham, cheese and bacon with fries YUM! After dinner we had a brief meeting in the room to prepare our supplies for tomorrow and Lloyd led us in a devotion. Quite a few of us are still not feeling good and I worry that I am coming down with a sore throat and body aches. I am happy to say Doug got through today with minimal pain, so that’s quite a praise.

Tomorrow is the last day of VBS and promises to be another Spirit led day!
Please pray for our team and our energy as well as the kids.

No pictures tonight…praying we find the camera tomorrow!


Day 4: Hotter than Haiti

Today was our first day of VBS. We had over 650 in attendance! We had a sports theme so all of our team dressed the part and wore sports jerseys. Jessie was our opener, talking to the entire group about our key points for the day. We started day one of vbs with God’s team is the right team! Doug, Monica and Jessie taught the songs to the kids-Today is the day-Sing, Sing, Sing, Ha La La La, and Ain’t no rock. Many of the kids remembered the songs they learned at VBS from last year. What a beautiful sound to hear all the kids lift their voices in praise to God!! They all loved the hand motions and some of us went out into the crowd so the little ones could see how to do the motions. Once we finished the songs our interpreters acted out a skit to show the kids an example of being on the right team. For the next part of the day we didn’t have enough room in the church to have all the kids in together so they were divided into 2 groups, red and blue. The blue team went outside for snacks while the red team stayed inside for Bible and then after about 25 min they swapped. After that we had games outside and crafts inside. Kristan, Doug and Niki led the groups in team building games and Carolyn, Monica, Lloyd and I helped them to put together a team pendant for crafts. We then gathered everyone back into the church and Doug did the closer followed by a few songs. Now ALL during VBS our Texas team along with Danny and Christian made PB sandwiches, a total of 700 were made and packed into a bag with a snack!! After VBS we lined everyone up and formed an assembly line to pass out the food to the kids. It took us over an hour to get them all a brown bag and cup of juice but they were so grateful for the meal.

After VBS we piled our entire team of 10, plus some of the kids from the boys home who had attended VBS- 26 people into the van total (with NO air conditioning) for the trip back to the boys home. It must have been the hottest ride of all of our lives. There was a ton of traffic and we had to stop often for traffic. I couldn’t believe how sweaty we all were. But when I looked at the kids they were even MORE sweaty as if they had just been sprayed with a hose. Again they didn't complain or cry but just sat together the whole ride home.

We survived the ride back to Maison, the orphanage where we put on a 2nd VBS for a group of the kids there. It was a small group of about 20 and we all kicked into gear, working hard to keep our energy up. Doug led a few songs and Monica, Jessie, and Lloyd did the message. The kids favorite part was when we did the craft. We made glow necklaces to remind the kids that we need to fill ourselves with God’s love and when we are in the dark, his light will shine through us.

As we were leaving the orphanage, waiting for our ride we noticed the group of adoptive parents having to say goodbye to their kids. Because the process takes so long they come down to visit and are allowed to take the kids with them and spend time together in the hotel. It was heart breaking to see the moms hand over the kids they had been loving on and bonding with for the past week. The kids cried right away as well as the parents. I couldn’t help but cry and say a silent prayer for the families…I just can’t imagine what that must be like. I pray that they will be together again soon and that all the paperwork goes through quickly. Doug shared with me that all the hard work, exhaustion and heat was worth the 20 minutes that he spent rocking his favorite toddler, Mega Mind (dude had a huge forehead)which his actual name is Emmanuel. It was at that moment that he realized that not only is God always with us, but he is with his children in Haiti too.

We returned to our hotel, and Doug and I immediately took a dip in the pool to cool down. Our team met up for a delicious Haitian buffet and of course my favorite…Strawberry ice cream!! Delish! As exhausted as we were our team met together to debrief and Carrie and Mike shared with us the journey God has had them on here in Haiti. It is so amazing to hear about how God has blessed the ministry and done so many amazing things. They started out just bringing backpacks to Jimmy and the street kids and now 4 years later the boys have a home, Zanfan where 60 of them live together with food and shelter. God is good all the time! Doug and I are so thrilled to be a part of this ministry. We are looking forward to God working through us tomorrow.

Please pray for our health. Many of us woke up this morning with a sick stomach and others are still getting over colds. Pray for Doug's knee...it hasn't acted up until today at VBS and this evening he has been in quite a bit of pain. Praying after he ices it and has a good nights rest tomorrow the pain will be less. We will also need to keep our energy high to keep the excitement of VBS going.


Day 3: Beach Boys

We had a conflict with the church where we were going to have VBS today so instead we rearranged our plans and had our BEACH DAY!! We had planned to take the boys of ZL to the beach to swim and hang out with the boys. So we woke up at 6 am and got on the road right away. First we stopped at the boys home, Zafan Lakay to pick up all the boys. Again, we had the warm welcome from the boys as the security guard opened the gate. They immediately lift their arms to you…reaching out, eager and hopeful, smiling as you pull them close in a friendly and loving embrace. Something I had meditated on the night before really kept running through my head. A few verses out of Hebrews, 6:18-20 the Msg…”We who have run for our very lives to God have every reason to grab the promised hope with both hands and never let go. It’s an unbreakable spiritual lifeline, reaching past all appearances right to the very presence of God where Jesus, running on ahead of us, has taken up his permanent post as high priest for us.” God has been so good to us on this trip, showing us his love through the resilient people and children of Haiti. Just as they run to us with the hope and confidence that we will love them…with both hands….not wanting to let go how similar should we approach our Heavenly Father.
As you can imagine with the high temperatures here, from 90’s-100’s the kids were are ready and excited for the beach!! We had over 65 boys to transport about 1hr and 45 min to the beach so some of the team rode in the van with Pierre and we also rented a school bus and piled in all the kids in. We had people scrunched in every inch of space, on laps, sitting and standing! A few of the benches had over 5 people! Driving around in Haiti is quite a thrill…the roads are terrible and I’m pretty sure they don’t teach drivers Ed or require a license. With so many things happening on the road the bus driver has to be alert and aggressive. As we were speeding down the road our driver would hold the horn down and accelerate at high speeds stopping occasionally for a ditch in the road or random car. Mike said it best…we were like the train that passes thru San Clemente.

After a very, very, very long ride we arrived at the beach. I wasn’t sure what to expect when we got there but we were thrilled to see the beautiful water and palm trees and feel the breeze! We all couldn’t wait to get in the water. The beach was rocky and the water super salty but we all definitely had a blast splashing around together. We spent the entire day at the beach with the kids. It was a special day for them to swim, play soccer, games and just be kids. Mike and Carrie have been building these relationships with the kids over the past few years and it’s so amazing to see the love and trust between them. The ladies of ZL prepared a delicious meal for everyone with rice, chicken, and spicy cheese pasta.

The ride back was rough…we hit a tree and barely avoided a collision in the middle of one of the small towns, but the kids were AMAZING. No whining or crying or fighting…they all took care of one another as families are supposed to do. Jimmy has really worked with the kids, protecting them and shaping them as young men. It’s exciting to hear how far they have come in just the year they have been in the new house.

Once we finally got back to the hotel we still had a lot to do to prep for VBS tomorrow. We ate, then enjoyed a devotion led by Doug and had some time of reflection together. We worked to get the craft supplies together, since we are expecting more kids then we originally planned. Praise God!!! Please pray that VBS goes smoothly tomorrow. Also for our AMAZING leader Monica…she has pretty much lost her voice!

We are SO exhausted and ready for bed. I will post the rest of the pics tomorrow morning so check back. Struggling...Last count I have 35 mosquito bites on my body….with over 20 on my right leg.  How does that happen to me only 2 days in???


Day 2: Teach Me How to Dougie

Day 2 of our Haiti trip and Dfresh is checking in with you'all! It has been an exhausting, yet rewarding day here in Port Au Prince.

So today we headed over to Zanfan Lakay, which is the street kids' pad for the morning. We had lots of things to do with the boys. When we got there, we were given yet another "red carpet treatment" from the boys. Lots of hugging, smiles and warm hospitality from our new Haitian friends.

First, we hung out for a while, played some musical chairs, soccer, dominoes, whatever they thought was a form of recreation or entertainment. As you probably already knew, they are just happy for a team of us to be there to hang! Bringing out the guitar and playing music with Jimmy's (the head of Zanfan Lakay) son, Ali, was super fun. I showed him my tuner and he tuned his beat-up, out of tune tiny guitar. He and his buddies had their own little thing going on playing beats, strumming the same note and singing... and oh yes lots of flow- these boys can rap! Being from the streets it was kind of their thing to do. Sing and talk about being tough, and having hope that there would be better days ahead. Ali sang his song and talked about Jesus and his father Jimmy and how much he was blessed. I seriously love this sixth grade -13 year old lil boy! SO much heart, so much passion and so much love for others- not to mention he knew a decent amount of English so it was nice to be able to talk with him. Even though he was not the oldest, because he was Jimmy's son, he was treated with lots of respect! We sang for a few hours...Today is the Day, Sing Sing Sing or Chante, Chante, Chante, Every Move I Make, King Jesus is All, Ha La La La... but what I remember the most was when Ali asked if I'd play and sing I Can Only Imagine... Singing this song, stopping right in the middle to have our translator Franz, explain Carrie's words about "no pain, no hunger, no worry... and that we'd all be together one day in heaven for those who loved Jesus... was super powerful- just one of the moments!

After singing for a while, Jen set up a little skit that involved brother and sister duo, Kristan and Doug demonstrating in a comical way how to properly take care of yourself.

We called it "Teach me how to Dougie"- deodorant, soap, teeth brushing, floss and a little dancing to top it off- it was super funny.... to us Americans who understood it! I think the boys enjoyed it too but it is hard to tell with the translator and 56 boys and 7 girls sitting and "trying" to pay attention to us. Pictures will explain it better!!! After we handed out the assembled hygiene kits to all of the kids. They were so grateful for a little toiletry bag full of goodies.

Then it was time for the 7 or so girls in the house to have some fun and hang with the ladies. Jen, Kristan, Carrie and Dani (one of the girls that is accompanying our team from Ohio). There was lots of bling, bracelet making and nails being done... both toes and fingers with sparkly colors and cool designs... ok you get the idea. I was actually hobbling around on my semi good leg playing some basketball with the boys while this little "girls' hangout" was taking place. That lasted for a couple hours and we soon learned that the kids, especially the boys who soon invaded, could out- craft us any day of the week. There were some incredible bracelets and necklaces being made and yes... we have pics to prove it.

Lunch was around 2:30... fried chicken, brown rice, mac and stuff (not cheese- more like peas, corn and carrots), meatballs, and of course the ever so popular syrupy refreshing goodness of Coca Cola- def better than the states.

A short little story came following that... the girls, Jen and Kristan, came to find me outside where I was happily playing with the boys... they wanted me to do the "flushing of the toilet"... which is no big deal. It involves getting some water from their well- a hole in the ground, where city water was awaiting at the bottom of a 15-20 foot drop. Needless to say, Naja, one of the ladies there insisted she would do it, and on the second lowering down, the rope broke from the bucket being lowered... Uh oh. I spent a good 15 minutes watching her to try to use some "jimmy rigged wire contraption" to hook the bucket back on. I eventually was escorted to the van because we were leaving to pass out food on the street where Jimmy and the boys use to live -less than a year ago. Stay tuned to find out if Naja and her crew retrieved the bucket from the bottom of the well. There was definite mention of having one of the boys be lowered by his feet or even better yet climbing down a thin PVC pipe to get it... who knows. I was told later by Naja they got it. I didn't ask how because I cannot speak Creole anyways. The mystery remains!

Passing out the food down at the place where Jimmy and nearly 100 boys used to do life was pretty incredible. Mike Gibson said a BLESSING, prayed for the food and Jimmy told his "street friends" that this food was from God and that there was plenty for all. We had a huge team of people, mixed in from our Cali group to the Texas team and our other friends Christian and Dani from Ohio. All in all, nearly 200 styrofoam to-go containers were filled with rice, chicken, mac and stuff (leftovers) and fish sauce along with ice cold orange concocted punch they had made at the home prior to coming. Most people were patient, grateful, and mellow at first, but as the crowd grew bigger the older street people started getting a little impatient and even angry. How can you blame them... these people are STARVING. One thing was for sure, when Jimmy spoke in a loud voice reprimanding them they listened. Good thing we had our stud body guards on site and nobody, not even this one crazy drunk guy who was yelling at me and the ladies to give him food and drink, was going to do anything about it. This was another special hour or so that i will not forget.

The other five members of our team, Monica, Lloyd, Jessi, Nicky, and Carolyn were at Pierre's church all day prepping and training over 100 leaders for the supposed 750 kids we will be ministering to Wed- Friday this week. They reported that things went smoothly and they were already anticipating a special moment later in the week when we would all be singing Chante, Chante, Chante...Sing, sing, sing and make music with the heavens!!!

I think I have been long-winded enough so I will wrap it up. The rest of the evening consisted of a swim in our pool to cool off, cheeseburger and fries for dinner and a sweet and moving devotional time with our team led by Mike. I will leave you with the verse he shared with us tonight and thank you all for reading our adventures. Don't forget to write us a quick comment so we know who is following along. Thanks for all your prayers. Tomorrow, we are leaving at 7 am for the beach with the street boys for the whole day. It should be fun... not sure all the details but I am sure that Jen will fill you in with more tomorrow night!

"Listen my brothers, has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?"
James 2:5

Nighty- night!

Dfresh and Jhizzle